Lendingkart Loan Foreclosure Close Your Loan Types Of Business Loan, Personal Loan, MSME Loan, Lendingkart offerd To close Loan and Settlement Of Lendingkart Loan Without Any Extra Charges. Close Your Loan Online through Help Of our Customer Support So Contact Now Lendingkart Customer care for Lendingkart loan foreclosure & Settlement Of Loan.
As we know well by now, an outstanding loan demands an EMI (Equated Monthly Instalment). However, in a scenario where the loan borrower can arrange for a lump sum amount, he/she can choose to repay the entire loan amount at a go before the actual due date and thus become financially debt free instead of having to pay regular EMIs over a long period of time.
If you're looking to foreclose or close your business loan with Lendingkart Finance Limited, the process can be made
easier with the help of their dedicated customer support team. You can get in touch with them by calling their customer
support number at 08274031694. Foreclosing your business loan means paying off the remaining outstanding amount
before the agreed tenure, allowing you to clear your debt earlier than planned. This can be beneficial if you want to
reduce your interest burden or close the loan to free up your finances.
When you contact Lendingkart's customer support, you can inquire about the exact process, any prepayment penalties, and
the final outstanding balance. They will guide you through the necessary documentation and steps to complete the
foreclosure. It’s important to ensure that you have all required details at hand, such as your loan account number and
any reference numbers associated with your loan.
Once the loan is closed, you will receive confirmation from Lendingkart Finance, and your loan account will be marked as
settled. Be sure to confirm with customer support that there are no further charges or dues left. Foreclosing a loan is
a great way to save on interest, but it’s always a good idea to carefully consider the timing and any penalties
When the borrower decides to pre pay the balance loan amount at a go, he/she is liable to pay a certain percentage of the outstanding loan amount as foreclosure charges, which is also called pre payment penalty. While the foreclosure charges are different for different banks and financial institutions, it usually varies between 2% to 5% plus the applicable taxes.
The lendingkart charges this penalty to compensate for the lost interest income due to the pre closure of the loan. Hence, it is important that you calculate the pre payment penalty and carefully evaluate your financial position before taking the decision of foreclosing your outstanding loan in order to minimise your pay out.
Though the pre payment procedure is slightly different for every bank and financial institution, the basic process, as explained below, remains the same:
Since foreclosure of loan can happen online, you will first need to Contact Our helpline service email from where you have borrowed the loan. You can contact the bank/financial institute’s customer care team for the same email.
You will need to write and submit an application for the foreclosure of your loan by submitting the pre closure form through Mail:
The next step of the foreclosure procedure will be to submit all the necessary documents as listed by the bank or financial institution:
Once all the documents have been duly submitted, the Lendingkart will calculate the balance loan amount to be paid after considering the EMI and interest paid thus far, the applicable foreclosure charges and taxes as well as the date of pre payment of the loan and communicate the same to the borrower. The borrower then has to clear the outstanding dues through online transfer in the form of IMPS, NEFT or RTGS.
Once all the pending dues have been cleared by the borrower, the bank or financial institution will proceed with the foreclosure formalities which includes stopping all EMI instructions and reminders, returning all original documents within 10 – 15 business days and handing over the below documents to the borrower:
Once all the foreclosure formalities have been successfully completed, you must inform credit rating agencies about the pre payment of your loan, so it can be updated in their records.